John Hobbie
I am a professional designer and artist with 20+ years’ experience in the entertainment industry. I began working from the ground floor up as a scenic painter/carpenter in a Dallas scene shop to production designer and field art director at Walt Disney Imagineering in Hong Kong.
I also love to teach. I began a drawing program at Disney Hong Kong “Art in the Park” and taught sketching inside the park. Now I teach full time at Savannah College of Art and Design where I am the chair of production and themed entertainment design. I am a member of United Scenic Artists of America, Local 829 NYC and in 2004 was awarded the Outstanding Creative Contribution to Set Design by the Dallas/Ft. Worth Critic’s Choice Forum.
And, for a brief period I was a deckhand on the Coast Guard Cutter Oachita along the Tennessee River, roughnecked offshore oil in Alaska and Venezuela, and was a salad chef in Hong Kong.