Travelling to Texas

Came back from Hong Kong and headed south to Texas. Spent some time with family for the 4th of July. Here are some pictures that I drew early in the morning before the heat set in for the day.

On the way home from Texas I couldn’t help but take advantage of the fact that I’ll be passing right by the SPAM museum in Austin, Minnesota! I am so happy I did. If you are ever in their neighborhood, check it out! It’s well worth it.

Lunch in City Market, Savannah

Went out to sketch in Savannah today. The weather was beautiful, leaves were changing colors and the breeze was cool and fresh. I had planned on doing a larger sketch but found doing small cartoons to be fun and I only had an hour. So here they are; The Savannah Information Center, fire truck assisting a homeless man, and cars parked along the street.

Hope to be out tomorrow doing the same.